31 December 2012

Ends and Begginnings

     Hey! How's it been? It's been quite a while! Was your holiday good? I'm sorry it has been so long since my last and second post. School got crazy, and I have been enjoying a beautifully lazy holiday. But now, the time has come to pick this up and actually make it work.
     As you've probably guessed by the title, this does have a connection to the fact that it's New Year's Eve! Personally, 2012 has been a rather interesting year for me. There's been good and bad, joy and heartbreak. A lot of memories have been made, both to be cherished happily and to stop and make me ponder.
     Even as this chapter comes to a close, another is soon to be cracked open. So, I figured it was appropriate to do something I have never done before: make a list of resolutions! Now, a lot of these lists get a bad rap because many are never fulfilled. I say nay-nay! We the people have more strength and will-power than we the people give ourselves credit for. yes, it's hard. Yes, it'll be a fight, but resolutions (or dreams in general) not worth fight for are hardly true resolutions to begin with, don't you think?
     So, without further ado, I'm going to give this a shot:

"Jesse's Resolutions"(and explanations)

  1. Grow in Faith and Spirit. (One is never close enough to God.)
  2. Write something meaningful every day. (This is part of my on-going Quest to conquer the English language and become a great writer. I picked up this particular piece of advice from Melissa Donovan at Writing Forward.)
  3. Deepen my friendships. (In this crazy world of texting and social media, we're beginning to lose sight of people and maintain true relationships. I want to actually grow close to people and form bonds. I want friends I can count on.)
  4. To be an example. (Through whatever reason and circumstances, some of the people around me have begun to look up to me. As I cannot change that, I must learn to be true, godly young man/leader.)
  5. Never get too serious. (This I'm already pretty good at, but it does good to remind you and myself.)
  6. Read a whole lot more. (This is also part of my Quest, and it's also simply for enjoyment. I didn't do it nearly enough this past year.)
  7. Be smarter with my work in school. (This should be self-explanatory.)
  8. Start to plan out post-high school life plan. (Ibid.)
  9. Fan even harder over Doctor Who. (Never enough Who.)
Well, that's all for me for now. I encourage to to come up with your own list. While your at it, share it on here and other places for accountability's sake. Remember, we are the people.

28 November 2012

On "A Wagner Matinee" by Willa Cather

Hmm... two posts in one day? (don't get used to such spoiling)

     My sixth period class consists of an Adv. English course that includes but is not limited to American Literature. We've currently reached the end of the first part of unit four (Realism & Regionalism)*, and today we read what I dare say is a most memorable tale. I highly recommend reading it because my skills at summarizing are not yet adequate enough to showcased in public. The link is below.

                                                    ==PAUSE FOR LITERATURE==
      Assuming you've read this, is it not one of the most moving and memorable stories you have ever read? Cather does a supreme job at conveying the bittersweet  beauty of the moment. Oh, we are lifted to the highest triumphant when our protagonist is reintroduced to that universal Beauty, that angelic entity which truly transcends the mundane. And after rising so far, we fall even deeper with the realization that it is a fleeting moment. The show soon ends, and everyone leaves. In a short while, Georgiana's business in Boston, and soon she will leave Boston. Again, she will be forced to say good-bye that sweet Substance.
      For most, especially teenagers, I'm not sure they could fully understand Georgiana's loss.  If we wish to listen to music or experience most things, we can get it via the Internet (also/formerly CDs and radio and television). I'm no expert of economics, but it seems to usually be true that the more there is of something, the value attributed to it goes down. With the gargantuan amount of information we find online, too many loose sight of the trees for the forest. 
      How do combat this? How do we fight this epidemic. Simple: Learn to appreciate. Stop and listen to that music, examine that painting, etc. Who say's it even has to be within the realm of the arts? Whatever your "in to," whatever stirs your soul, grasp it. Run with it.

Until next time (however short or long),
Jesse Byron,
a fellow human

Story found on:  http://www.readbookonline.net/readOnLine/1945/

*NOTE: My school uses the text American Literature which is published by McGraw-Hill Glencoe. Personally, I think the curriculum is absolutely brilliant.

....but a single step

All journeys begin with a step, and all blogs begin with a single post. So, let's start this off right:


     My name is Jesse Byron. To begin with, I suppose I should give an explanation of the title because it may seem odd to some. "Publica" is the Latin form of the word "public." Autopsychographia (aw-TOW-sigh-CO-graph-ee-uh) is one of my own invention. In truth, it is simply a fancy way of saying 'journal' or 'diary.' So welcome to my public diary! I read on blog (Writing Forward by Melissa Donavon. It's wonderful.) that to be a great writer, you need write nearly daily. Not only do I wish to be a great writer, I also want to communicate with people. With those truths in mind, a blog seemed the natural and logical choice.
     What exactly will I be blogging about? I will not be following any particular theme or current. One day it might be some of my poetry, the next a movie/book review. Or an essay. Or an anecdote. Or a short story. It could be a deep, philosophical notion or a whimsical and meaningless fancy (we can't be serious all the time, can we?). It quite literally could be anything at all.
     Hmm, I guess I should include some details as to who and what I am exactly. Most importantly, I am a Christian. That truth shapes everything else. Most basically, I am junior attending Faith Academy in Mobile, Alabama. Infact, I'm making this post while sitting in my dual enrollment class. I have many, many interests. Writing, reading, thinking, breathing, learning, and many other various things. I'm also an thespian participating in my school's drama department. Acting is one of the greatest activities known to man. I'm also a bit of geek. I'm sure I could share other details of my life, but I don't wish to drone. Many things you'll simply learn from reading my posts, and if your curious then do not hesitate to make an inquiry.
     So, once again I welcome you. Step on this path with me, and we can journey together. Propose, ask a question, challenge a statement! Give input, invite friends, the more the merrier!

Until next time (however short or long),
Jesse Byron,
fellow human